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Learning to be unapologetically me.

Let's keep going.

One of biggest shifts in my own healing journey is learning to be okay when someone is upset with me.

Because for a long time now, ever since I was young, when someone was upset with me it felt like I must have done something wrong.

And I can't tell you how many nights I've spent lying awake in bed ruminating about what I've done, what I could've done instead and what I can do to fix it.

Almost like my mind gone into hyperactive mode trying to fix, learn and figure out a hundred different ways to make things better.

And to make sure this never happens again.

But the truth is this, a truth it took a long way to learn as well.

That you and I, we simply can't please everyone.

We cannot control if someone is going to be upset, whether this is at times what we say and do, or at other times, what we say and don't do as well.

And perhaps the even more important thing is my question to you below:

"Should we allow the possibility of someone else being upset stop us from being who we are?"

"Should we lower down ourselves, take up" less space" or even silence ourselves just to keep the "peace"?

My answer, frankly, is no.

Because you matter too.

You are not responsible for what other's think of you and how they are feel.

You are responsible for being "you".

So go on, be authentically you.

The wrong ones will inevitably leave, but this creates room to let the right ones in too.

Take care,



P. S. Side story. I have alot of people telling me from time to time that I should do this or do that in the mental health community and social enterprise I run. Some feedback I take in, IF and only if it aligns with me and why I started this. Plus, if this is someone I value too.

But if i don't and it doesn't align, then unfortunately I'm just going to keep on going unapologetically.

Because I'm not guided by the idea that I'm doing this to please everyone.

I'm guided by the purpose I've found.

Let's keep going.


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