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You are not meant to look after everyone's feelings.

This is what I've learnt to do instead.

Before you judge the words on this post, let me tell you a little story.

Albeit a story about a time that I'm not too proud of.

You see for a long time ago I was diagnosed with something called borderline personality disorder.

And for me that meant having a severe fear of abandonment..


There are two flip sides to this story you see.

The first part was that I used to be constantly vigilant.

I was watchful of the emotions and reactions of everyone I cared for.

Because doesn't that make sense? Wouldn't it help me to pre-empt things?

So that if someone was upset me at me I could do something about it, and keep safe my relationship with them.


The second was that I wanted to be "seen", to always feel like I was cared for.

And as valid as that was, unfortunately it didn't come out in the healthiest of ways...

Because you see, I projected this insecurity instead of communicating this to them.

Which meant my loved ones were always walking on eggshells.


To tell you the truth, those were not easy times for me and my loved ones.

Those were times of push and pull and so much emotional turmoil.

I can't tell you how bad the self-hatred was, or the rumination, or worry or resentment I held onto others.

And though I'm not proud of this, I'm sharing with you this story because I think it's really important...

Because healing involves not just our own self-awareness but also our awareness of who we are for others.

So long story short, nowadays my values are these.

For the people I care about - I choose to be a safe person for them as much as I can.

To no longer project nor keep them guessing, and to communicate my feelings and needs upfront instead.

But at the same time I will no longer spend all my time worrying - it's not my job to be vigilant and manage their emotions for them.

My job is to the person I want to be for myself, and to love in a way I know I can sustain.

And all through this, knowing that I am loved and capable of love always.

Take care,




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