You don't have to be perfect to be loved.
Included: a little reflection question for you as well

This is for everyone out there who is dealing with perfectionism.
And in failing to be perfect, anyone who is feeling like a mistake or a burden to others too.
It always aches my heart to see perfectly wonderful and wonderfully imperfect people feeling like they are simply the worst of the worst.
Just because they can't be at 100% every single day.
Or having made a mistake.
Or even disappointing someone like a friend, colleague or a loved one too.
To one such person I met this week I even asked the below:
"What do you think the goal of your life is?", my question was.
"I don't know", they said to me, "I just want everyone to be happy with me".
All while tiredness overtook their eyes.
So I continued, asking:
"Do you think that when you reach that, you'll finally be happy too?"
They pondered for a bit then answered the below:
"No, I don't think I will"...
And if you're wondering why this is the case, why not ask yourself the same question as well?
I'm curious as to what your answers are as well - share them in the comments, let's help each other if we can.
But to this person I mentioned above, we continued talking and exploring this more.
And when I asked why, this was their reason.
Read it slow if you can, see if it strikes a chord.
For they said this:
"Because even then it would be tiring to keep this up and never let go".
"All I really want is to be free. To be happy"
"All I want is to know I am loved".
Here with you,
Dedicated to A where I hope one day you learn how wonderful you already are
Dedicated to S who is right at this very moment growing through your perfectionistic #ocd
Dedicated to everyone one else who has ever needed to be perfect.
Dedicated to my younger self too - look at us now, we are loved, we are free.